W O W A t e l · i e r W o r k s h o p s T h e F u t u r e i s o u r s
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Video and Editing for Social Media
Learn how to create video and edit your own Social Media Adverts.
150 Malaysian ringgits
RM 150
Location 1
Available spots
Service Description
This programme gives learners opportunities to develop a products from conception, through the production phases to the export of a final product. The Videos made in this unit range from, factual, fictional, and serve the purpose of how to advertise through Social Media.
Learners will need to consider designing for very different uses, small hand held devices will be explored as well as the use of editing software.
Learners have the opportunity to be exceptionally creative. The nature of this unit means that it is possible to create through the collaboration of a small team, or as an individual.